
Article 1- Statement of Purpose

A. Our purposes are to:

1. Live in a manner which honors Old Ways and the Old Gods.

2. Support one another within the Kindred in our healing, growth, and aspirations.

3. Hold quarterly ceremonies, and other special ceremonies, to celebrate the seasons, and recognize rites of passage.


B. Traditions: We are a mixed tradition kindred of northern European traditions focusing on Celtic and primarily Norse.  We are all solitary and hold on to our personal beliefs and traditions. We welcome others of any and every path; we unite to honor the old ways and the old gods.


 Article 2- Membership

A. Qualifications: Membership shall be offered to individuals upon recommendation of the council and consensus of all full members of the kindred. No person shall be denied access to membership based on gender, race, ethnic background, sexual preference, physical handicap, or age; providing they have attained their majority (18 years old).


B. Participation and Membership: Participants in the programs sponsored by this kindred may include the following:

1. Guests: Interested parties who may attend all open activities, and kindred-only with or without the intention to join; must have an open mind and heart.

2. Allies: Persons who participate in and support open activities of the kindred.

3. Novices: These are people who wish to become members of Raven Hammer Kindred (RHK). After six months to one year of participation, a Novice may be asked to state their intention to qualify for membership into the kindred.

4. Full Membership in the kindred itself shall be limited to:

a. Full Member Duties & Requirements:

1. Be with RHK for at least six months.

2. Attend at least five gatherings during that time.

3. Get approval of the council to become a full member.

4. Follow the rules and ethics of the RHK.

5. Help set up and cleanup during gatherings.

6. If duties are not met, then the council will decide on what is to be done and the novice will abide by that decision.

b. Elder Duties & Requirements:

1. Be a full member in good standing for at least a year.

2. Attend at least five gatherings during that time.

3. Act as a leadership of RHK as member of council.

4. Write and help organize ceremonies when needed.

                             5. May take up to 3 apprentices.

a. An apprentice is any Full Member that is being taught the elders magical tradition.

7. Be referred to as an elder.

8. Meet incoming members for the first time in public.

9. If duties are not met, then the Elder will have to come before council and abide by their decision.


C. Membership Status: After induction is complete the individual is a Full Member. Only Full Members may vote during meetings. The novice must confirm that they want to be considered for full membership prior to a final Kindred vote. A Full Member may be a member of any other pagan group (with approval of council) and are encouraged to attend Pagan events. The Kindred may dismiss any person (including Elder) by a 2/3 vote of All Membership.


D. Process of Membership: Requirements for are described in Article 2, Section B, Number 4 (A2.B4). The maximum number of Full Members (including Elders) for RHK will be 13.


Article III-Administration and Operation

A. Kindred Council: This body shall handle the ordinary business of the kindred.

1. Membership: The Kindred Council shall consist of all Elders of the Kindred. Each Elder is considered an equal. Full Members shall be invited to attend and participate in Council meetings.

2. Scope: The Council shall discuss all matters of:

a. Program planning and activities

b. Induction and membership generally

c. Finance and budget

d. Outreach, networking, and affiliations

3. Facilitation: An Elder shall be chosen to chair meetings of the Council at the onset of each meeting.

4. Method of Operation: The Kindred Council shall make decisions by consensus. When consensus cannot be reached, the Council may refer the decisions to the Chair chosen for that meeting.

5. Meetings: The Kindred (Full membership) shall meet once a month to discuss any new ideas for ceremonies, to designate ceremony teams, any business to be brought up for vote. The Kindred Council shall meet every quarter or as called by any Full Member.

6. Kindred Council: The Kindred Council meeting shall consist of three quarters of the active elder membership (if active elder membership is under five then all members must be present) present at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Kindred Council, or any specially called meeting.


B. Guidelines for Conduct: All Novices and Full Members (including Elders) shall be guided in their conduct by the three fundamental principles and the 12 RHK virtues.




Article IV- Ceremonies

A. Ceremonies

1. Blots: The Kindred shall hold Blots for two Solstices (December 20-22, June 20-22), two Equinox (March 20-22, September 20-22) and the Kindred founding day (April 16). Blots are performed by the ceremony team elected during meetings.  Rites of passage can be added to the blot at the request of any Full Member.

2. Sumbel: Sumbels may be held by any Full Member for any reason at any time.


B. To remain in good standing, a Full Member can miss no more than 5 Meetings including Ceremonies during a one-year period.


C. Events: RHK may elect to hold public rituals; trips, parties and festivals that are open to all. These events are not mandatory for members, but obviously, they would be strongly encouraged to attend.


Article V- Finances

A. Kindred income shall include donations, profits from fundraising projects, and interest from banking accounts, if any, established by the Kindred Council with the support of membership.


B.  The budget shall be established, and disbursements approved by the Kindred Council with support of membership.


C. All required forms shall be filed with the state and federal governments as required to maintain and establish the Kindred’s legal status if the Council and membership decide to take this step.


Article VI- Privacy of Members

A. Oath of Secrecy: No Kindred member is to use the Kindred name of any other member outside the Kindred without permission from that person. No person is to reveal the identity of any member who chooses their membership to remain private. We encourage community activity and Wiccan/Pagan activism, so we encourage members to be open about their practice.


Article VII- Revising the Bylaws

A. Any part of these By-Laws may be amended by consensus of the Kindred Council with membership support.